

rowan.conjugate Conjugates an array of quaternions
rowan.inverse Computes the inverse of an array of quaternions
rowan.exp Computes the natural exponential function \(e^q\).
rowan.expb Computes the exponential function \(b^q\).
rowan.exp10 Computes the exponential function \(10^q\).
rowan.log Computes the quaternion natural logarithm.
rowan.logb Computes the quaternion logarithm to some base b.
rowan.log10 Computes the quaternion logarithm base 10.
rowan.multiply Multiplies two arrays of quaternions
rowan.divide Divides two arrays of quaternions
rowan.norm Compute the quaternion norm
rowan.normalize Normalize quaternions
rowan.rotate Rotate a list of vectors by a corresponding set of quaternions
rowan.vector_vector_rotation Find the quaternion to rotate one vector onto another
rowan.from_euler Convert Euler angles to quaternions
rowan.to_euler Convert quaternions to Euler angles
rowan.from_matrix Convert the rotation matrices mat to quaternions
rowan.to_matrix Convert quaternions into rotation matrices.
rowan.from_axis_angle Find quaternions to rotate a specified angle about a specified axis
rowan.to_axis_angle Convert the quaternions in q to axis angle representations
rowan.from_mirror_plane Generate quaternions from mirror plane equations.
rowan.reflect Reflect a list of vectors by a corresponding set of quaternions
rowan.equal Check whether two sets of quaternions are equal.
rowan.not_equal Check whether two sets of quaternions are not equal.
rowan.isfinite Test element-wise for finite quaternions.
rowan.isinf Test element-wise for infinite quaternions.
rowan.isnan Test element-wise for NaN quaternions.


The core rowan package contains functions for operating on quaternions. The core package is focused on robust implementations of key functions like multiplication, exponentiation, norms, and others. Simple functionality such as addition is inherited directly from numpy due to the representation of quaternions as numpy arrays. Many core numpy functions implemented for normal arrays are reimplemented to work on quaternions ( such as allclose() and isfinite()). Additionally, numpy broadcasting is enabled throughout rowan unless otherwise specified. This means that any function of 2 (or more) quaternions can take arrays of shapes that do not match and return results according to numpy’s broadcasting rules.

rowan.allclose(p, q, **kwargs)

Check whether two sets of quaternions are all close.

This is a direct wrapper of the corresponding numpy function.

  • p ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • q ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to np.allclose

Whether or not all quaternions are close


Conjugates an array of quaternions

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Array of quaternions
Returns:An array containing the conjugates of q


q_star = conjugate(q)
rowan.divide(qi, qj)

Divides two arrays of quaternions

Division is non-commutative; this function returns \(q_i q_j^{-1}\).

  • qi ((..,4) np.array) – Dividend quaternion
  • qj ((..,4) np.array) – Divisors quaternions

An array containing the quotients of row i of qi with column j of qj


qi = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
qj = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
prod = divide(qi, qj)

Computes the natural exponential function \(e^q\).

The exponential of a quaternion in terms of its scalar and vector parts \(q = a + \boldsymbol{v}\) is defined by exponential power series: formula \(e^x = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{x^k}{k!}\) as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} e^q &= e^{a+v} \\ &= e^a \left(\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{v^k}{k!} \right) \\ &= e^a \left(\cos \lvert \lvert \boldsymbol{v} \rvert \rvert + \frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{\lvert \lvert \boldsymbol{v} \rvert \rvert} \sin \lvert \lvert \boldsymbol{v} \rvert \rvert \right) \end{align}\end{split}\]
Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
Returns:Array of shape (…) containing exponentials of q


q_exp = exp(q)
rowan.expb(q, b)

Computes the exponential function \(b^q\).

We define the exponential of a quaternion to an arbitrary base relative to the exponential function \(e^q\) using the change of base formula as follows:

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} b^q &= y \\ q &= \log_b y = \frac{\ln y}{\ln b}\\ y &= e^{q\ln b} \end{align}\end{split}\]
Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
Returns:Array of shape (…) containing exponentials of q


q_exp = exp(q, 2)

Computes the exponential function \(10^q\).

Wrapper around expb().

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
Returns:Array of shape (…) containing exponentials of q


q_exp = exp(q, 2)
rowan.equal(p, q)

Check whether two sets of quaternions are equal.

This function is a simple wrapper that checks array equality and then aggregates along the quaternion axis.

  • p ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • q ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions

A boolean array of shape (…) indicating equality.

rowan.from_axis_angle(axes, angles)

Find quaternions to rotate a specified angle about a specified axis

  • axes ((..,3) np.array) – An array of vectors (the axes)
  • angles (float or (..,1) np.array) – An array of angles in radians. Will be broadcast to match shape of v as needed

An array of the desired rotation quaternions


import numpy as np
axis = np.array([[1, 0, 0]])
ang = np.pi/3
quat = about_axis(axis, ang)
rowan.from_euler(alpha, beta, gamma, convention='zyx', axis_type='intrinsic')

Convert Euler angles to quaternions

For generality, the rotations are computed by composing a sequence of quaternions corresponding to axis-angle rotations. While more efficient implementations are possible, this method was chosen to prioritize flexibility since it works for essentially arbitrary Euler angles as long as intrinsic and extrinsic rotations are not intermixed.

  • alpha ((..) np.array) – Array of \(\alpha\) values in radians.
  • beta ((..) np.array) – Array of \(\beta\) values in radians.
  • gamma ((..) np.array) – Array of \(\gamma\) values in radians.
  • convention (str) – One of the 12 valid conventions xzx, xyx, yxy, yzy, zyz, zxz, xzy, xyz, yxz, yzx, zyx, zxy
  • axes (str) – Whether to use extrinsic or intrinsic rotations

An array containing the converted quaternions


rands = np.random.rand(100, 3)
alpha, beta, gamma = rands.T
ql.from_euler(alpha, beta, gamma)
rowan.from_matrix(mat, require_orthogonal=True)

Convert the rotation matrices mat to quaternions

Thhis method uses the algorithm described by Bar-Itzhack in [Itzhack00]. The idea is to construct a matrix K whose largest eigenvalue corresponds to the desired quaternion. One of the strengths of the algorithm is that for nonorthogonal matrices it gives the closest quaternion representation rather than failing outright.

[Itzhack00]Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack. “New Method for Extracting the Quaternion from a Rotation Matrix”, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Vol. 23, No. 6 (2000), pp. 1085-1087
Parameters:mat ((..,3,3) np.array) – An array of rotation matrices
Returns:An array containing the quaternion representations of the elements of mat (i.e. the same elements of SO(3))
rowan.from_mirror_plane(x, y, z)

Generate quaternions from mirror plane equations.

Reflection quaternions can be constructed of the from \((0, x, y, z)\), i.e. with zero real component. The vector \((x, y, z)\) is the normal to the mirror plane.

  • x ((..) np.array) – First planar component
  • y ((..) np.array) – Second planar component
  • z ((..) np.array) – Third planar component

An array of quaternions corresponding to the provided reflections.


plane = (1, 2, 3)
quat_ref = from_mirror_plane(*plane)

Computes the inverse of an array of quaternions

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Array of quaternions
Returns:An array containing the inverses of q


q_inv = inverse(q)
rowan.isclose(p, q, **kwargs)

Element-wise check of whether two sets of quaternions close.

This function is a simple wrapper that checks using the corresponding numpy function and then aggregates along the quaternion axis.

  • p ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • q ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments to pass to np.isclose

A boolean array of shape (…)


Test element-wise for infinite quaternions.

A quaternion is defined as infinite if any elements are infinite.

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to check
Returns:A boolean array of shape (…) indicating infinite quaternions.

Test element-wise for finite quaternions.

A quaternion is defined as finite if all elements are finite.

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to check
Returns:A boolean array of shape (…) indicating finite quaternions.

Test element-wise for NaN quaternions.

A quaternion is defined as NaN if any elements are NaN.

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to check
Returns:A boolean array of shape (…) indicating NaN.

Check if all input quaternions have unit norm


Computes the quaternion natural logarithm.

The natural of a quaternion in terms of its scalar and vector parts \(q = a + \boldsymbol{v}\) is defined by inverting the exponential formula (see exp()), and is defined by the formula \(\frac{x^k}{k!}\) as follows:

\[\begin{equation} \ln(q) = \ln\lvert\lvert q \rvert\rvert + \frac{\boldsymbol{v}}{\lvert\lvert \boldsymbol{v} \rvert\rvert} \arccos\left(\frac{a}{q}\right) \end{equation}\]
Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
Returns:Array of shape (…) containing logarithms of q


ln_q = log(q)
rowan.logb(q, b)

Computes the quaternion logarithm to some base b.

The quaternion logarithm for arbitrary bases is defined using the standard change of basis formula relative to the natural logarithm.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \log_b q &= y \\ q &= b^y \\ \ln q &= y \ln b \\ y &= \log_b q = \frac{\ln q}{\ln b} \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
  • n ((..) np.array) – Scalars to use as log bases

Array of shape (…) containing logarithms of q


log_q = log(q, 2)

Computes the quaternion logarithm base 10.

Wrapper around logb().

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions
Returns:Array of shape (…) containing logarithms of q


log_q = log(q, 2)
rowan.multiply(qi, qj)

Multiplies two arrays of quaternions

Note that quaternion multiplication is generally non-commutative.

  • qi ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • qj ((..,4) np.array) – Second set of quaternions

An array containing the products of row i of qi with column j of qj


qi = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
qj = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0]])
prod = multiply(qi, qj)

Compute the quaternion norm

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to find norms for
Returns:An array containing the norms for qi in q


q = np.random.rand(10, 4)
norms = norm(q)

Normalize quaternions

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – Array of quaternions to normalize
Returns:An array containing the unit quaternions q/norm(q)


q = np.random.rand(10, 4)
u = normalize(q)
rowan.not_equal(p, q)

Check whether two sets of quaternions are not equal.

This function is a simple wrapper that checks array equality and then aggregates along the quaternion axis.

  • p ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions
  • q ((..,4) np.array) – First set of quaternions

A boolean array of shape (…) indicating inequality.

rowan.power(q, n)

Computes the power of a quaternion \(q^n\).

Quaternions raised to a scalar power are defined according to the polar decomposition angle \(\theta\) and vector \(\hat{u}\): \(q^n = \lvert\lvert q \rvert\rvert^n \left( \cos(n\theta) + \hat{u} \sin(n\theta)\right)\). However, this can be computed more efficiently by noting that \(q^n = \exp(n \ln(q))\).

  • q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions.
  • n ((..) np.arrray) – Scalars to exponentiate quaternions with.

Array of shape (…) containing of q


q_n = pow(q^n)
rowan.reflect(q, v)

Reflect a list of vectors by a corresponding set of quaternions

For help constructing a mirror plane, see from_mirror_plane().

  • q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to use for reflection
  • v ((..,3) np.array) – Vectors to reflect.

An array of the vectors in v reflected by q


q = np.random.rand(1, 4)
v = np.random.rand(1, 3)
v_rot = rotate(q, v)
rowan.rotate(q, v)

Rotate a list of vectors by a corresponding set of quaternions

  • q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to rotate by.
  • v ((..,3) np.array) – Vectors to rotate.

An array of the vectors in v rotated by q


q = np.random.rand(1, 4)
v = np.random.rand(1, 3)
v_rot = rotate(q, v)

Convert the quaternions in q to axis angle representations

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – An array of quaternions
Returns:A tuple of np.arrays (axes, angles) where axes has shape (…,3) and angles has shape (…,1). The angles are in radians
rowan.to_euler(q, convention='zyx', axis_type='intrinsic')

Convert quaternions to Euler angles

Euler angles are returned in the sequence provided, so in, e.g., the default case (‘zyx’), the angles returned are for a rotation \(Z(\alpha) Y(\beta) X(\gamma)\).


In all cases, the \(\alpha\) and \(\gamma\) angles are between \(\pm \pi\). For proper Euler angles, \(\beta\) is between \(0\) and \(pi\) degrees. For Tait-Bryan angles, \(\beta\) lies between \(\pm\pi/2\).

For simplicity, quaternions are converted to matrices, which are then converted to their Euler angle representations. All equations for rotations are derived by considering compositions of the three elemental rotations about the three Cartesian axes:

\begin{eqnarray*} R_x(\theta) =& \left(\begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ 0 & \sin \theta & \cos \theta \\ \end{array}\right)\\ R_y(\theta) =& \left(\begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & 0 & \sin \theta \\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ -\sin \theta & 1 & \cos \theta \\ \end{array}\right)\\ R_z(\theta) =& \left(\begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta & 0 \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ \end{array}\right)\\ \end{eqnarray*}

Extrinsic rotations are represented by matrix multiplications in the proper order, so \(z-y-x\) is represented by the multiplication \(XYZ\) so that the system is rotated first about \(Z\), then about \(y\), then finally \(X\). For intrinsic rotations, the order of rotations is reversed, meaning that it matches the order in which the matrices actually appear i.e. the \(z-y'-x''\) convention (yaw, pitch, roll) corresponds to the multiplication of matrices \(ZYX\). For proof of the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic rotations, see the Wikipedia page on Davenport chained rotations.

For more information, see the Wikipedia page for Euler angles (specifically the section on converting between representations).

  • q ((..,4) np.array) – Quaternions to transform
  • convention (str) – One of the 6 valid conventions zxz, xyx, yzy, zyz, xzx, yxy
  • axes (str) – Whether to use extrinsic or intrinsic

An array with Euler angles \((\alpha, \beta, \gamma)\) as the last dimension (in radians)


rands = np.random.rand(100, 3)
alpha, beta, gamma = rands.T
ql.from_euler(alpha, beta, gamma)
alpha_return, beta_return, gamma_return = ql.to_euler(full)
rowan.to_matrix(q, require_unit=True)

Convert quaternions into rotation matrices.

Uses the conversion described on Wikipedia.

Parameters:q ((..,4) np.array) – An array of quaternions
Returns:The array containing the matrix representations of the elements of q (i.e. the same elements of \(SO(3))\)
rowan.vector_vector_rotation(v1, v2)

Find the quaternion to rotate one vector onto another

  • v1 ((..,3) np.array) – Vector to rotate
  • v2 ((..,3) np.array) – Desired vector

Array (…, 4) of quaternions that rotate v1 onto v2.